We visited Bryan's cousins at their magical ranch outside of Austin where we explored, searched for heart shaped rocks, hung out with cows and rode horses (my first time.)
That was the lovely part.
Then late Saturday afternoon Audrey fell and scraped up her elbow pretty bad...which luckily preoccupied her from the fact that she'd also hit her head on a rock, puncturing her scalp and setting off blood-fest 2010. A trip to the emergency room, a completely freaked out me and a staple in the scalp later, and all is good, but I swear friends, I'm suffering from some post-traumatic stress, as I'm totally off my game today.
I will say this (scalp puncture aside), I love spending time with Bryan and the girlies away from the hustle and bustle of our daily lives...there's something about getting out of our routine to make everything a little bit better, slower, easier.
I need to somehow figure out how to work this magic at home.