Fridays are a wonderful invention. They're even better when you took Monday off for a vacation day! Anyway, Friday is here, which means that Saturday is tomorrow. Am I pointing out the obvious? Let's get going with Friday Faves.

Last night, the beau and I decided to get a little local culture (cultchah) down town in the gallery district of Chelsea. We went to the Nancy Margolis Gallery, where one of my bff's works and I fell in love with this artist, Anna Hepler. Her woodblock prints are amazing, simple and beautiful. I highly suggest taking a trip to see them for yourself (they're QUITE affordable/I want one!!).

I'm feeling super springy lately even though I heard a nasty rumor that it's supposed to snow today (?). I'm thinking about getting a new fresh Dash and Albert rug in my front hall. I love the green and white ones.

After my vacation, I'm looking forward to a few moments this weekend to take care of a bit of spring cleaning. Cleaning is my favorite, but spring cleaning is a fun time to clean out my closet, donate some clothing, and get rid of a bit of clutter. This picture is from Real Simple from an article about cleaning a bedroom and I just LOVE this bed frame.
I hope you guys/gals all enjoy your weekend. A friend from college is coming into town on Saturday evening which I'm really looking forward to. I plan on hitting up the Hell's Kitchen Flea market to check out some antique vases. Any plans? Interior design plans? Have a good time and I promise next week I'll be back in the blogging swing. Alicia B.