Cool art table via abccreativity
I'm approaching this weekend with a bit of trepidation. I know I have a lot to do for school when all I really want to do is go downtown and shop around and hit up a flea market or two. OH WELL, these are the sacrifices I have to make for my future/school. I'll be at school chained to a drafting table. Not like the one above--they are all white and pristine but the one above looks like fun. I am jazzed that it's Friday because I'm pretty tired so here are some relaxing nap inducing rooms. Enjoy!

I would just love to skip out of work right now (at 10:30 eek!) and sit in a window seat warmed by the sun and read a book. But alas, I'll be out soon enough I guess and only to start madly thinking about rearranging a mini kitchen in an inventive way so that my teacher won't yell at me. What are your plans? Outside? Inside? With family and friends?
Alicia B.