Saturday, January 10, 2009

Cold Day in NYC

Well it's Saturday and I'm holed up in our apartment. It's snowing out. We are supposed to get 4-6 inches. Brr. So I'm sitting at our table, looking at the wind and snow blowing outside and sipping on some freshly brewed coffee.

And I thought I'd post some photos from a few weeks ago when my friend came to town. I finally got to do the Top of the Rock thing and it was a pretty cool view. Even the cheesy lights, music, and glass topped elevator was kind of fun. It was a freezing cold day.

I love the old viewers or whatever they are called. It reminds me of an old movie.
Everything that day was dusted with a layer of snow. So pretty:
Poor Central Park. It looks so small and dead in the winter. Can't wait until spring!