At this very moment, Ben Lizdas is searching for this particular Black-billed Cuckoo at Pheasant Branch Conservancy – it'd be a lifer for him! I managed to capture a digiscoped photograph of the cuckoo just before heading into work. Once there, I showed the photo to Ben and he mentioned never having seen this species before.
Our little group of birders enjoyed another fantastic morning of watching beautiful migratory birds. We had close-up views of a female Black-throated Blue Warbler, Golden-winged Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, even a Connecticut Warbler! I also saw my first Northern Parula of fall migration. The "pwip"" calls of Swainson's Thrushes were heard up and down the length of the stream corridor trail.
Oh well! Fortunately for Ben, he found a Connecticut Warbler which was also a life bird for him! Congratuatlions, Ben! How many until 600 now?
Black-billed Cuckoo © 2008 Mike McDowell