Today my sister emailed me and told me update my blog. She wants to know what I've been up to. Ahhhh...what a good big sister.
You might be thinking that I've been such a studious monkey since I've been absent for about a week. I'd like to say I have been good. Alas...I'm still waiting for my textbook to arrive so instead I've done the following:
1) Baked espresso brownies
2) Hiked (and got lost) with pups near Bear Mtn, NY
3) Eaten a ton of spicy chili made by my wonderful husband
4) Made home-made fries for the first time
5) Watched a ton of college football (seriously...Tennessee should have won...arg)
6) Bought way too many books at library book sales
7) Had after-work happy hour drinks with my husband at a new place
8) Watched my husband play GTA
9) Taken our Brooklyn friends through our neighborhood's wooded hills
And Finally...today...
10) Did some school work. Have you ever heard of SQL? It's fun. Really. You can learn about it here and here, ....I know I am.
P.S. If anyone wants to buy me some studious monkey bookends...well I'd be really grateful.