I love when authors stop by my blog and say hi and thanks for reviewing their book. And they blog as well! So I am a bit addicted to reading their fascinating blogs. And it's a great way for some authors to get the word out about their books!
So first, here's the two authors who've stopped by my blog:

Catherine Delors posted a nice comment on my review of
The Mistress of the Revolution. I read/reviewed the book a little while back before I started to regularly review books. I'm almost tempted to do another better review because I LOVE that book. I have to say it's the one of top books I've enjoyed reading this year and will probably make my all-time favorite list. It was Catherine Delors' first book (amazingly) and she has a new one coming out soon called
For the King. I can't wait to read it. I learn so much reading her blog
Versailles and more. Since her books so far have revolved around French history it's a great place for more information on France, her novels, and her life.

Andromeda Romano-Lax is another first-time author of the novel
The Spanish Bow which I also thought was an amazing book. I still can't believe that she's not from Spain because she has so much detail and texture in the book. Instead she lives in Anchorage, Alaska which is great because I might be able to coerce my sister who lives there to get me an autographed copy of her book :) Andromeda stopped by my review of
The Spanish Bow and told me about her blog
49 Writers, No Moose. If you want to know more about Alaskan writers, about her life, or win some free goodies stop by! And when I get home I'm going to check out her website for her novel
The Spanish Bow and listen to some music.
Other great Author sites (a.k.a. books I NEED to read):

Like I said, author blogs are a great way for an author to get their name and book out there. I love reading C.W. Gortner's
Historical Boys blog. He proves that men can write great books of historical fiction as well as women. He also fills his blog with interview with other great authors. Very cool. His book is called
The Last Queen about Juana of Castile who was the last queen of Spanish blood to have the throne. Many people thought she was crazy, but was she? I will definitely be picking up this book to read. I've heard nothing but great things about this book.

Michelle Moran, author of TWO books I NEED to read has a great site called
History Buff. It's packed with tons of fun history stuff for archeology nerds like me. Her two books currently out are
Nefertiti and
The Heretic Queen. They both take place in ancient Egypt and since my upcoming honeymoon is to Egypt...I will definitely be reading both of those soon. So far everything I've read praises
Nefertiti so
The Heretic Queen will probably be amazing as well.

The last blog I love reading is Van Gogh's Chair. As my friends and family know, I am an avid Van Gogh fan...not only his artwork but also his letters are so touching. So when I came upon the blog
Van Gogh's Chair I was hooked. And then to find out the author Sheramy Bundrick will be coming out with a fiction book called
The Sunflowers next year. It's about Rachel, the prostitute who was involved in Van Gogh's infamous ear cutting incident. Check out her website...she's obviously done her homework and I'm excited to pick it up when it comes out.
And ones I forgot or found new after the original post...I'm sure I'll keep adding more on:
James Viscosi's Scribblings blog is just a great site. His blog is perfect if you are an author, struggling writier, or just need a little good reading. I love his random rejection letters and his early writing from when he was a kid is just hilarious. I have to admit I haven't read his works but they do sound pretty interesting. They are horror, fantasy, and a bit sci-fi...you can check out his
Store here.
Oh and speaking of sci-fi, fantasy, etc...how could I forget
Neil Gaiman's blog. It's worth checking out if you are a fan or have heard about him but haven't read his works yet.
Are there any Author Blogs you currently read?? Have you read a book because you've read an Author's blog? Has any cool authors read your review of their book?