I read WAY too many blogs but here's just a few that consistenly make my day:
Heather at Age 30 - A Year of Books
Katherine (fellow New Yorker) at A Girl Walks Into a Bookstore
Emily (fellow New Yorker) at books, the universe, and everything
Book Chronicles who I think has an impressive "to-read" stack
Lisa at Books.Lists.Life who gives great advice
FyreFly's Book Blog (I love your blog header)
Monniblog who's cat cracks me up
Trish at Hey Lady! Whatcha Readin'?
Brainella the Librarian
Bree at The Things We Read
Nymeth at Things Mean a Lot who's just plain awesome
Azull at Through the Eyes of Me who's making me want to get a pumpkin spice latte
Jill at Under the Dresser who has a great blog title, sense of humor, and will be coming to NYC
Andi at Tripping Toward Lucidity: Estella's Revenge
The first two blogs I started reading:
Confessions of a Real Librarian
Click. The Good News
And last but not least...
Dennis's Diary of Destruction who I'll never give a pillow to but who kicks hedjhog army butt
**Note: Ok that really wasn't a "short" list...I know I read too many blogs.
Here's a link to my other favorite "non-book" blogs.