Monday, March 2, 2009

The Spending Hiatus Support Group -- Week Seven

So I’ll just get right to the confession. I bought three non-essential items this week.


  1. A pair of wide leg trouser jeans that I’m planning to return, so let’s not even count those, ok?
  2. Some melamine cups for the girlies – I’d try to justify these as essential, as the girls are growing out of sippy cups but still not ready for glass, but who am I kidding? They weren't “essential.” Although, Audrey does loves them more than life itself... She drinks out the hot pink one non-stop. Seriously, the littlest things thrill that child.
  3. A pair of olive green “cargo-ish” pants – I actually had these "bookmarked" to buy after the spending hiatus for schlepping around in this summer, but I found myself in Gap Kids last week getting Audrey a new pair of tights (which were essential, as she refuses to wear anything but skirts or dresses with tights, and all her tights are shot…), and the pants were significantly on sale, so I caved fearing they’d be gone by the time I was allowed to purchase them... Moral of the story? Stay. Out. Of. Stores.

Cheating aside, I still feel pretty focused, and we’re continuing to spend the time we would be shopping or returning things we bought impulsively and decided we didn’t love (see #1) doing far more meaningful activities…We cooked a couple of yummy meals, made our weekly pilgrimage to the library for new chapter books to read before bed, had a great visit with my mom who flew in for the week and went on a lovely grown-up date on Saturday night (courtesy of mom) – by far the highlight!

How did you all do this week?