My sweet hubby hasn't had a whole lot of time for woodworking of late. The circumstances of life with two small kiddos make it hard to fully embrace a pretty time consuming hobby. So in the meantime, I wake up to the evidence of small attempts to satisfy his woodworking jones -- a little pile of wood shavings from testing out his new lathe, a Web browser open to the Fine Woodworking site, etc, etc...
There's also the matter of a garage (oops I mean woodshop) crammed with all manner of stumps and odd pieces of wood that he's collected over the past year. We're reaching critical mass, and he's loathe to part with any of it.
I'm trying to convince him to perhaps sacrifice a few of the stumps to take on these genius projects via the June Martha. I love the colored tops of the little trivets and side tables and the little bark covered pencil cups, and making them seems easy...not much more time than it took for him to create that little pile of wood shavings...right??