Friday, September 3, 2010

Seven + A Little Giveaway

This oldest girlie of mine is a pretty amazing creature -- all full of spunk and creativity and moxie. She has turned upside down every preconceived notion I've ever had about raising kids...and proved it to be so much more exciting, fantastic and interesting that I could have ever imagined.

She rocks my world. I am digging her more than ever. And tomorrow she will be seven.

Happy early birthday sweet Audrey.

And in honor of her big day, I'm doing a little giveaway with the lovely Kristina of Modern Frills. Kristina sent Audrey a couple of completely adorable shirts for her birthday, including the rockin anchor number she's sporting above. (She also sent a sweet shirt for nice). So we thought it would be fun to give one of you a present for Audrey's birthday.

Just leave a comment on this post by next Thursday the 9th at midnight for a chance to win an anchor shirt of your very own!

Have a splendid weekend friends. I'll be back Monday with party pics and details.