Monday, October 12, 2009

Scenes from the Weekend -- But Not Exactly My Weekend...

This was not my weekend... No this was Bryan and Audrey's weekend, as they spent two blissful days on the Adventure Princess camping trip, hiking, fishing, canoeing, riding horses, doing archery, making s'mores and pretty much having the time of their lives.

I was prepared to be a tiny bit jealous of all their outdoor fun, but turns out, my weekend was just as good. It was the first time I've had Millie all to myself for more than a few hours, and friends it was bliss. We read and cuddled and slept in...we made chocolate chip oatmeal cookies, went to breakfast with friends, cuddled some more. There was dance party in the living room, a monumental tea party in her bedroom, and even more cuddling. It was pretty much a love fest.

Sweet, sweet Millie. Man I'm smitten with that kid...