Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Today is our 9th anniversary, and... well, I’ve married quite possibly the very. best. man. in the world. Dramatic I know, but here's some proof: he’s endlessly supportive and encouraging of anything I do, he makes me coffee every morning (despite the fact that he's most definitely not a morning person), he regularly serenades us on the guitar, + he’s an amazing cook, a most excellent “girl dad” and is wickedly funny.

Oh and he never (ever) tries to hand off a dirty diaper change to me…

See good stuff.

We’d planned to celebrate our anniversary with a family dinner tonight at a very fun "newish" restaurant in town, Park (we even did a little reconnaissance a couple of weeks ago and Bryan and I went for a quick drink at the bar to ensure it would be cool to bring the girlies -- the photos above), but both Millie and I tested positive yesterday for H1N1 (yes we have the swine flu…ugg.)

So no Park tonight (maybe later this week), instead we’re planning some sort o f ice cream picnic in the living room to celebrate.

Happy Anniversary B. I couldn’t love you more…