We kicked things off on Thursday with Amy's photography show, which was excellent...She's awfully talented that one. Then there was a trip to the White Rock Local Market, an impromptu visit to Little Bean, a date at the movies with Audrey, an "end of the year" party/blowout with Audrey's former classmates, Sunday dinner with Erin, Ben and our friend Julie and loads of organizing/purging. In anticipation of fall and starting kindergarten, we tore through out every. single. one. of Audrey's drawers, her closet, toy bins, shelves, etc... It was highly, highly satisfying.
I also cheated a bit on my spending hiatus (more on that Thursday) and on the detox (some sangria and a burger(!) at the end of the year party, a glass of wine and a sliver of Julie's insanely good key lime pie during Sunday dinner.) Yes I'm a big fat cheater pants...ugg.