I'm a bit of a sucker for a quiz of any sort, so it's no surprise that I succumbed to Deborah Needleman's style quiz. In all honesty, I wasn't sure it would reveal anything relevant, as there were a lot instances when I wanted to answer "none of the above" + I sort of raced through it.
But then, my style profile came back as "Earthy Modern" and said things that were pretty right on or that I aspired to...
like this:
But then, my style profile came back as "Earthy Modern" and said things that were pretty right on or that I aspired to...
like this:
You keep up with culture, style, and trends, but have an appreciation for timeless forms and simple lines. You value good design, quality craftsmanship, and prefer the streamlined to the overly embellished or cluttered.
and this:
You also appreciate the warmth and individuality of natural materials and handcrafted things and are inspired by colors and forms from nature... You love mixing up different textures... Your style is grounded and solid, not flighty or frilly.You value creativity. Your home can be happy and lively and the place all of your friends want to be.
Ok, so go take the quiz and tell me how accurate it was for you...