Herewith Audrey's list. Enjoy and have a great week-end!
Her Sister -- Despite all the bickering, taunting and general big sisterly behavior toward Millie, Audrey still declares her one of her all time favorite "things". Sweet...

The Beatles-- She LOVES The Beatles-- words can't describe. We have to listen to them non-stop. She's a fan of the Sgt. Pepper era more than the early stuff (thank goodness). For the record, her favorite Beatle is Paul and her favorite song is Hey Bulldog (she insisted I include this.)

Chocolate Cake -- Those of you who happen to know Audrey in real life are probably wondering why this isn't at the very top of the list... The child is nuts for chocolate in general but chocolate cake is her nirvana.

Playing Dress-Up -- Besides making art, this is her absolute #1 favorite way to spend time. Right after school, she and Millie head to the dress-up box and dive in. Anything remotely fairy or princess like is (of course) a fave...