Diamond Baratta LOVES custom painted floors. They always have such inventive patterns based on the clients interests!
I've always found something very charming and sweet about painted floors. Wide planked wood floors are gorgeous but a painted floor is just something different. Take a look at some of my favorites. 
I'm going through the Southern Accents website very thoroughly so that I don't miss a thing before they sadly close their doors. I love the simple stripe leading you through the hallway to the bedroom here. By
Bill Ingram Architects.
Shannon Bowers painted a simple wide diamond pattern on the kitchen floor. I love that she chose a dull brown/red.
Nancy Bozhardt, genius that she is, used different stains to pattern this gorgeous floor.
Mary McDonald made this soft blue and white bathroom a little bit jazzier with a
zig zag blue and white pattern. I adore this bathroom.

Domino Mag had a guide on how to stencil your own floor with custom patterns! I wouldn't do a spiral but this pattern is whimsical and fun, as decorating should be.
I think that when I have my own country home in CT or up in the Hudson Valley, I"ll have a painted floor hall in my historic house.
HERE are some fun reasons why you should have a painted floor. Do any of you have a painted floor? Grow up with one?
Alicia B.