Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Date Night...

image via pia jane

Audrey's teacher is going to babysit the girlies tonight so Bryan and I can go on a date... Nothing extravagant mind you, just a movie, maybe a glass of wine, some time to chat (ideally about things not related to parenting, work or household.)

The fact that we have to go on a date to, is probably one of the most surprising aspects of parenting. Even now, almost six full years after the birth of our first child, I'm amazed that Bryan and I can't seem to get through a five minute conversation without multiple interruptions from some tiny, insistent interloper.

It’s almost comical.

Needless to say, we're pretty excited when we manage to rustle up a sitter so we can indulge in a grown-up evening. Most nights out we start out all full of vim & vigor -- chatting about something we heard on NPR, a book one of us is reading, music, but by the end of the evening, we’re usually missing the girls so badly we race home… letting them interrupt us to their hearts content.