Wednesday, August 12, 2009

And Now We Pause For a Moment to Swoon Over Jake Ryan...

I was pretty sad to hear about John Hughes passing last week. His movies (no matter that they sometimes veered into schmaltzy territory) were such a key part of my youth... While he wasn't necessarily a cinematic genius, he definitely captured the zeitgeist of the 80's. The music, the teenage angst and romance, the clothes. It was all there; and it was perfect.

My all time fave Hughes movie is without a doubt Sixteen Candles (with Ferris Bueller's Day Off a close second.) My mom rented it for me one weekend, and I watched it, wait for it, 13 times in 48 hours. I was obsessed. I can still quote huge chunks of that movie -- sad, I know.

When the girlies get older, I'm definitely planning a John Hughes marathon... We'll kick off things with Ferris on Friday night, do a back-to-back Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink on Saturday and finish out the weekend with The Breakfast Club.

So what's your fave John Hughes movie?