Monday, January 21, 2008

Weekend of Milestones

I have been waiting for that magical moment when the girls would start to play together a bit and our days would become more than just mitigating Audrey’s horror as Millie attempted to destroy her masterpiece Lego tower for the umpteenth time.

Well my friends the moment happened this weekend. Granted there were still several incidents of Lego tower destruction, so honestly it was probably more about an attitude shift on Audrey’s part. But something seemed to change very quickly, and now somehow Millie is more than just an epic nuisance to Audrey. ..she’s actually a bit amused and delighted by her, which in turns delights Millie, which pleases Audrey even more, and basically we’re left with an endless circle of giddiness, where the girl’s are literally cracking each other up (there’s actually guffawing involved) on a regular basis.

And sweet, funny little Millie has decided that she’s going to start walking just a bit…not too much mind you, but this weekend she staggered through the house like a drunken sailor more than once.

Life is good.