Oh my the food...It feels like we've been on a week long eating binge, as we had two little dinner parties prior to Thanksgiving to prime our appetites for the big day (or at least that's what I'm telling myself).
Wednesday night I made my beloved Alice Waters carrot soup and a pretty rockin' (if I do say so myself) cranberry upside down cake (it redeemed my Meyer lemon disaster) for Christine and Steve and Lucia and Pete. The girlies (all six of them) formed a gang of raucous princesses within five minutes of being together. I love watching how quickly kiddos can fall-in and just start having a blast. I think adults should do that more, yes?
We had a leisurely Thanksgiving morning noshing on the leftover cranberry cake while watching the parade on TV and then set-off for a couple of days with Bryan's extended family involving hayrides, and catching up by the fire, and s'mores, and muddy (Audrey) adventures, and yep...eating...lots and lots of eating.
It was good times.
And now for the winners for the Debbie Carlos poster giveaway...Congrats Erin and Natalie Marie!!
Hope you had a splendid holiday friends!
Hope you had a splendid holiday friends!