Last night I ventured down to Chelsea to a book signing for Scott Sanders's new book, Picture Perfect. If you haven't seen it yet, it's a must-buy. After accidentally chugging what I thought was juice and really turned out to be a VERY strong cocktail, the book signing party was really fun. It took place in a gallery and the walls were covered with Scott's drawings of houses and floor plans. The drawings were so inspiring, as is the book. Here are some of his breathtaking interiors.
The book tells of his childhood in Ohio and how he grew up completely obsessed with drawing houses and interiors.
I found it so inspiring that he knew on some level that he wanted to be a designer. Meanwhile my two options for what I wanted to be when I grew up were a) an artist which is definitely in line with what I do now, and b) a fairy. Yeah, that's not going to happen.
In the book, you are taken through a creative journey of Scott Sanders's design process; start to finish. The house in the book is inCREDible and there are many many blue and white rooms.
I LOVE this yellow toile room. The bedspread, the lampshade, the wallpaper, and the drapery is all the same sunny yellow toile pattern.
You might say, "Wow, this looks very Ralph Lauren." about this sitting room. Well, Scott began his career doing interior design with Ralph Lauren and was clearly influenced.
Check out Scott's website and you MUST pick up a copy of his spectacular new book. The book is Picture Perfect and you can purchase it HERE--I suggest you do so immediately. I wonder if I looked through drawings I did when I was younger, if they would be of interiors and houses like Scott, but I'm thinking they might just be of fairies and kittens. JUST a hunch.
Alicia B.