Friday, June 12, 2009

Yellow's Song

The edges of fields in June
offer late spring’s sweet fragrance
The Yellow Warbler seems to know
Sweet-sweet-sweet, a little more sweet!

Bicycling, surrounded by color and song
My yellow companion’s trumpet
across a kingdom’s ornate courtyard
How can the connection be made?

For some, if listening, it’s a bird
For others, a whole life’s story
His bright yellow feathers
His delightfully cheerful voice

Or his winter home
Is it far away? How far?
How did he come to this place?
At this particular moment in the world.

There was no other place
I was supposed to be
For a burst of sweet notes
Sweet-sweet-sweet, a little more sweet!

This was what I heard the warbler say
It was all I needed to hear
To know exactly who was there
as I rode down the trail.

© 2009 Mike McDowell