Thursday, May 21, 2009

Things I Bought Thursday…

Fanny at Chez Panisse

The Art of Simple Food

So I realize it’s a bit odd to follow a post about having less stuff with one telling you what I just bought, but I warned you it was a complex relationship, so you’ll just have to roll with me.

In matters of spending it’s been a bit a “foodie” week… It started innocently enough -- I swung by the bookstore last week to grab some reading material for the long drive down to the coast and ended up leaving with Alice Waters and Chez Panisse and Best Food Writing 2008. Totally caught up in the story of Waters and itching to cook, a few days later I bought her daughter Fanny’s cookbook/memoir of growing up in the Chez Panisse world and one of Water’s cookbooks, The Art of Simple Food.

Sensing a theme here?

Actually the theme has been brewing for a while, as after getting my subscription to Gourmet, reading A Homemade Life and then tearing through The Tenth Muse during our spring beach trip, I’ve been a bit, well… obsessed with food writing. Which is ironic really, as I’m constantly making fun of my husband for his habit of latching onto a subject, say the history of plastic (I’m not kidding) and then reading every book, article, Wikipedia entry, etc…that exists on the topic until he’s sufficiently satiated.

I get it now Bryan…

Oh and I also bought two new saucepans, as you can’t read loads of food writing without wanting to cook, and you can’t cook without pots…and my husband (sweet thing that he is) burned both of my saucepans while boiling sugar water (don’t ask.) So while the books were a bit of a virtuous luxury, the pans were a necessity…at least that’s what I’m telling myself.