Monday, October 6, 2008

You Are All Our Favorites...

photo via l'affiche moderne

As promised, Amy and I are awarding a little prize to one of the lists submitted last week…Not without first saying though that this wasn’t so much a contest. In fact, every single list that we had the pleasure of reading deserves a prize…they were all creative, inspiring, interesting, unique… Every. Single. One.

But we both immediately connected with #33 on Alexis’ list, as we too are striving to “Embrace our inner hippie.”

So to help Alexis with her goal of hippie liberation, we’re sending her a copy of Tom Hodgkinson’s, The Freedom Manifesto + a copy of Michael Pollan’s In Defense of Food to assist with #12 (“Don’t eat fake food”)
We’re nothing if not helpful, no?

In the coming days and weeks, Amy and I will share progress on our lists and hope you guys all do the same.
It’ll be like this big collective force of women committed to accomplishing meaningful little things with a virtual cheering section rooting us all on.