I failed this week. (Or slipped if I’m being nice to myself.)
Either way I bought something, and after all my, “I’m so strong, I didn’t buy that killer ring”, blah, blah, last week, I wish I had at least caved on something so cool that you guys would collectively applaud me and agree that it was essential that I purchase it, spending hiatus be damned. Or something like that ;-)
But alas, I can’t…the culprit was just a little tunicy top thing at the Gap for Audrey. It was cute and versatile and cheap, and she loved it (she insisted on wearing it out of the store and then wore it to school the very next day.) But still…
I almost considered not telling you. But we tell each other, that’s the whole point, that’s what we do, right?
Other than the tunic, it was a good week. It felt a little easier than last week. I’ve also been distracted, as emboldened by not purchasing anything for a whopping 24 days, I’m now completely obsessed with cleaning out drawers, closets, etc…and as such, I'm becoming even more familiar with what I do own and love and (maybe most important) don’t love.
To that end, I have a small pile of clothes set aside for Goodwill and a few other things I’m planning to put on ebay. I’m hoping this exercise also helps me hone in on the things I might actually “need” when the hiatus is over – i.e. a new black skirt for work (my current one is awfully long in the tooth) a black bag (I seem to have every color but black, which for me is odd), you get the idea…

I do find myself daydreaming from time-to-time about buying altogether odd things…like a trench coat (which I’ve never wanted in my life, but now can’t get out of my head due to the awesome looking girl above) and a popsicle maker (!) Apparently not buying does odd things to me…
How did you do this week?