Wow, I love four day weeks. I think that's how weeks are supposed to be. Four days of work and then three days of weekend--perfect. Anyway, though it's been very very cold and we're bundled up here in New York as much as we can be, I can feel spring is coming right around the corner. I'm sure I'll be saying that for another month and a half but, who cares?! It's something to look forward to, yes?
Sometimes you have an amazing architectural feature and all you need to do is paint it gold. This little niche is so simple and breathtaking. I found this designer from a wall street Journal article about design:
Three Best Ways to Follow Trends, Not Fads. This interior by the extremely talented
Tracy Morris.

Last night while I was watching Lindsey
Vonn (LOVE) and the Olympics, I was flipping through my Axel
Vervoordt book. I was blown away by this bathroom. The architectural detailing, the
intricate woodworking, the colors, and the lighting are so unique. You don't see interiors like this every day.
It's good to look forward to something, right? For me this weekend I'm looking forward to the possibility of seeing my sister who is back in my time zone playing squash! Hopefully I'll be able to take the train to see her, and see her win. Design-wise, I'm doing a slow (very slow) decluttering in my apartment; kind of like spring cleaning! What are you all up to? Anything design? PS-This is my 403rd post! Can you believe that? I can't.
Alicia B.