It was inspiring weekend.
Or rather, I was confronted with several inspiring moments, places and people, starting on Friday evening with our friends Lucia and Pete and their sweet girlies Ava and Felicity (actually it started a smidge earlier…more on that later.)
Lucia and Pete are immensely lovely and creative. This was our first visit to their home, and I was totally mesmerized. There was something fantastic and inspiring in every nook and corner – a piece of Lucia’s art, a perfect little vignette, a stack of great books... + They made us an amazingly yummy dinner (Bouillabaisse, salad, panna cotta + homemade pizza for the kids.) It was an altogether lovely way to kick off the weekend (and I was inspired to rethink my entire house ;-)

Late Sunday afternoon was spent watching Devo videos (we skipped over the racy content of course...) with the girlies on YouTube (man it's easy to get sucked into YouTube.) It occurred to me that I will have failed miserably as a parent if my girlies grow up thinking Mark Mothersbaug is just that goofy guy that draws pictures on Yo Gabba Gabba. The Devo viewing lead to Blondie and then to the Beatles (all roads inevitably lead to the Beatles with my girlies.) Their love for music inspires me endlessly.
And finally I was inspired by you guys…actually this started Friday afternoon (per my first paragraph) when I started reading your “6 Things” comments on my last post. Bryan had to come see what was going on as I was (apparently) gawaffing from my office. These were the best comments ever.
I am seriously amazed, impressed, in awe of, grateful for and fond of you guys. I’m just sayin…