But as I was thinking about what I would share I kept drawing a blank. There isn't a lot about me that I haven't already told you. I'm a bit of an open book. Maybe I should occasionally consider cultivating a little mystery, no? ;-)
Here's what I (finally) came up with... It's not that exciting, but it's six random things nonetheless. (Sorry I couldn't pull off seven Maria.)
- I’m obsessed with the space program. Anything about NASA is infinitely exciting to me.
- I hate bell peppers…red, green, yellow – just not a fan (much to the dismay of my sweet hubby who loves them more than life itself.)
- My two all-time favorite songs are “Police and Thieves” by the Clash and “This Must be the Place (Naïve Melody)” by the Talking Heads.
- When I was 10 years old I met Pat Benatar in the bathroom at a recording studio in L.A. She told me she liked my outfit (turquoise capri pants and a Hawaiian print shirt tied at the waist -- remember I was 10.) It was the defining moment of my childhood.
- I’m (a smidge) afraid of heights…let’s just say I have no desire to ever skydive, bungee jump, swing from a trapeze or participate in any other height required death defying activity.
- I’m obsessed with notebooks. I have an embarrassing amount of them stashed away and am constantly jotting down little lists. I suppose it's my way of balancing the fact that between my day job and my blog I spend far, far too much time on a computer.
Rather than picking a few other bloggers to do this, I thought it would be more fun to hear from you guys + there's a little prize in it for you...

Just leave a comment with your six random things on this post by next Friday and in honor of #6 on my list, I’ll pick one of you to receive Joy’s gorgeous agate notebook above.
Happy weekend! Hope it's a splendid one.