When I met Danni at
Alt last month, my first thought was that she was the complete embodiment of
her blog -- lovely, creative, incredibly nice...
In fact, I might go as far as to say, she sort of
looked like her blog...(the outfit she was wearing when we first met perfectly matched her blog banner, it was really quite fantastic.)
Not only has Danni kindly agreed to share her favorite things with us this week, but she's also offering up a
$30 gift certificate to her
immensely lovely shop, which would more than cover one of the
perfect little necklaces below (I should note that I'm coveting that peacock one in an altogether unnatural way...)

Just leave a comment on this post by midnight CT on Tuesday, February 23rd for a chance to win, and I'll announce the lucky reader on Wednesday!
So without further ado, Herewith Danni's favorites, enjoy and have a lovely weekend!
hi friends! it was so fun searching around, finding images of some of my favorites to share with you. i have certain things that are definitely favorites of mine. thanks joslyn for letting me share on your lovely blog this week! here is a list of my top 10 favorites:
my fiance - he's without a doubt my number one favorite. he's my best friend. (image by
oh, hello friend.)
flea markets - i may have a teeny tiny problem: i am a hoarder! somehow i always find myself at a flea market, swap meet, or a thrift store. whenever i walk into a thrift store, i get such an excited feeling about the treasures
i'll discover. i told my fiancee that one time and he thought i was so silly. (image by
traveling - if i had all the money in the world, i would travel. i would take my man and go around the world.. starting with the places we most want to go. (first on our list:
egypt, and
italy) (image by
christian cruz)
skeleton keys - maybe i watched
cinderella one too many times when i was a kid but the scene where the evil stepmother locks
cinderella in her room when the prince comes: i LOVE the key!!!! and just the whole locking a door with an old skeleton key is one of my absolute favorites. when i went to
denmark a few years ago, one of the houses we visited had an old lock in the door and i remember just sitting there for 20 minutes locking and unlocking the door ;) (image by
jane austen - what can i say,
i'm a romantic at heart. i love this era. i love the fashion. i love the customs and the simple times. i love the characters of
jane austen's stories. this image doesn't exactly say
jane but it reminds me of a beautiful scene from one of her books. (image by
packages - i love a pretty package all wrapped up with lots of thought and care and loveliness.(image by
oh, hello friend.)
rain - crazy. that is the usual response i get when i tell people i love the rain. it isn't depressing, i LOVE it! i could just sit and watch it rain all day long. i would LOVE for it to rain on my wedding day! (love this wedding shot) (image by
braedon photography)
anthropologie - before i go traveling with all the money in the world, i would stop at
anthropologie and purchase.. everything! i love everything about this store from the goods they carry down to the design of the clothing tags. (image by
pms 124 - i love this shade, and really any shade of goldenrod yellow. i definitely plan to use this color in my wedding ;) (image by
collecting - going back to number 2 and my issue with hoarding things, a better way to put it is that i 'collect' things! i love collecting treasures and special finds that i come across at thrift stores. lately
i've been collecting clocks, old books, and pretty plates! (image by
oh, hello friend.)