So it's not stationary or even remotely stationary related...but it's made of paper, so I'm letting it slide.
I'm rather intrigued (and frankly excited) about this new magazine spotted on Design Mom...Its mission of finding the "poetry in the prosaic" (or focusing on the "in-between" moments that make up our daily lives with kids) is perfectly in step with my resolve to savor Millie and Audrey for fear that their babyhood is slipping through my fingers.
On that note, four has been such an interesting age for us. Another mother and I were discussing how four seems like the tween period for the pre-k set...They're not yet big kids but definitely not babies either. On any given day, Audrey is guaranteed to simultaneously be the most insightful, mature, independent kid around only to later literally become a heap of sobs just because she can't get her socks pulled on just so.
Anyone else having this experience? Maybe this magazine will teach me to cherish and embrace those melt downs...worth a try I suppose.