Sunday, October 23, 2005

They're out of Wisconsin!

The Class of 2005 Whooping Cranes migrated out of Wisconsin today! You can read more about it at Operation Migration's on-line Field Journal (I've added an icon-link for it on my sidebar, too). It also very touching to read the October 21st post by Liz Condie, expressing gratitude for the outpouring of donations in response to the "Will we run out of gas?" email appeal. Liz writes:
"Since sending out the "Will We Run Out Of Gas?" appeal, we've received the equivalent of 311 miles in donations and MileMaker sponsorships. That means the migration has funding to 129 miles north of the Georgia/Florida border. We can hardly believe it! Only 273 miles left to go!!! AND YOU DID IT ALL IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS! Applause, applause to you all."
They still need a little more, so please help if you can. Click here to contribute or call Operation Migration's office at: 800-675-2618

Photograph courtesy of Operation Migration