This is the season to be thankful. We all have had quite a year with many ups and downs but we made it! Now is the time to just relax and enjoy the moment if you're with family or friends. Think about what you are most thankful for in the world. For me, it's my loving family, my amazing supportive friends, and my health. On the design side, I'm thankful for my blog, my great readers and commenters (you guys COMPLETE ME), my school, just plain good design, and my job! Here are some other silly things that I'm thankful for--because there are so many!
Yes, I'm thankful for the color yellow. I believe I've mentioned my love for yellow before but nothing puts a smile on my face and warms my heart like the color yellow. This living room by Mary McDonald.

What are you guys thankful for? I'm so excited to go home for Thanksgiving--it's actually one of my favorite holidays! I've been put in charge of the mashed potatoes this year and I'm going to make Herb and Rosemary Mashed potatoes (recipe from Martha Stewart), so they better be good! Have an amazing Thanksgiving everybody and please find SOMETHING to be thankful for!
ALSO: If you're looking for something to do over the weekend and you're in CT, please visit the Millrace Bookshop in Farmington and see my photography show! They will be open over the weekend! For more photos see www.aliciabdesigns.com
Alicia B.
ALSO: If you're looking for something to do over the weekend and you're in CT, please visit the Millrace Bookshop in Farmington and see my photography show! They will be open over the weekend! For more photos see www.aliciabdesigns.com
Alicia B.