I usually access the blogs I read via Google Reader so often I have to take the time to go to the actual blog site. Usually to post a comment.
But if you've been to mine, you'll notice I have a button that mentions Dewey.
When I first started reading book blogs, I noticed this one character named Dewey and her blog The Hidden Side of a Leaf. She was smart, funny, and wrote the greatest reviews. She was such a huge part of our book blog community. I remember it seemed like everyone knew Dewey.
Well, a year ago today she passed away and it rocked our little community. I was on vacation to Egypt and didn't know until I came back. I still have no words.
So I'll just say: Dewey, you are missed.
Read other tributes today:
* Kailana at The Written World
* Eva at A Striped Armchair
* Debi at Nothing of Importance
* Wendy at Caribous Mom
* Nymeth at Things Mean a Lot