Sweet Millie's world is all about hand-me-downs. She sleeps in Audrey's old crib, is lulled to sleep in her rocker, wears her out-grown clothes, gums her way through her stash of slightly tattered board books and plays with her old wooden farm set. It actually gives me immense pleasure to get as much use as possible out of these things we treasured so much with Audrey. (Plus Millie seriously worships her big sister, so even if we got her something brand-new, just for her, she would probably sense that it hadn't been previously owned by Audrey and refuse to have anything to do with it.)
I'm sure the day will come when Millie insists on having her own things, un-used, with tags still attached. (I'm thinking she might even feel a tinge of resentment over all the forced sharing of her early years.) And on that day, I'll give her a big speech about how sharing builds character and then I'll show her this pretty, spare
Polar Bear rocker, and tell her that I
almost bought it for her...
Think that'll make up for it?