When it comes to birthday parties, I tend to prefer the old school, backyard variety to a location shindig. Don't get me wrong, we've had loads of fun at various bowling alley, zoo, science museum, gymnastics center, puppet theater parties. And, I completely understand the allure of no post party clean-up -- I found sprinkles embedded in every crevice of our house for a full three months after Audrey's last b-day party. But I am completely and totally smitten with a classic party. I love a wonky homemade cake topped with melty vanilla ice cream, I love the inevitable chaos of a pinata, I love bouncy houses and balloons and crepe paper...the whole enchilada.
It should be said that I'm not a huge fan of the concept of party favors or more specifically, goodie bags. I know, I know...It's a bit of a faux pas not to love goodie bags, but back in the day wasn't it "treat" enough to leave someone's home having had a blast, on a total sugar high, with a fistful of hard won pinata candy and perhaps a slightly deflating balloon? I wrack my brain over what to stuff in that little goodie bag, and it somehow manages to stump me every single time. But not brilliant Achlee, who seems to hone in on exactly what every kid aged 4-14 would love to take home after a party. She doesn't waste a lot of time with fancy packaging or plastic doo dads. She just fills giant bowls with jumbo packs of fruit stripe gum (so flavorful, so fleeting) mounds of gummy bears, gold foil wrapped chocolate coins and big bottles of bubbles, and the kids giddily grab fistfuls on the way out the door.
Brilliant, right?