I completed my first book on the 1001 Books to Read Before You Die - 1% Well-Read Challenge
I chose Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin
I had actually read about one hundred pages of this book a few years ago and really didn't like it. I picked it up because I love the cover art. I will unashamedly say that I judge books by their covers. I know it's wrong but...
Anyway...I thought I'd try reading it again since people rave and rave about her books and since SIX of her books are on the 1001 BTRBYD List. I wish the list had branched out more because six of one author is a little ridiculous. For instance, there's EIGHT Ian McEwan books...really?? I mean, I loved Atonement but what was with On Chesil Beach ?? I didn't really like that one at all.
Moving on...after about 150 or 200 pages (if you're willing to wait that long) the books starts picking up and gets really good. The book is about an elderly lady, Iris Chase Griffen, looking back on her life and her sister's possible suicide by running a car off road. Interspersed in the novel are news clippings and chapters of "The Blind Assassin" which is the novel her sister wrote before running the car off the road. I love the mystery and deception in the book and it really pulls you into the book to see why or if her sister committed suicide, why she did it, and the mystery involved with the book "The Blind Assassin".
I didn't think I was going to like it because at first the description of the town, the river, the button factory was so much I thought it was bogging down the story. And at over 600 pages I think that it could have been whittled down more. BUT...if you stick with the novel, the story is amazing and will have you reading the last few hundred pages in one sitting.
Here's my updated list
Also reviewed by:
Lost in a Good Story
Rhinoa's Ramblings