Monday, July 26, 2010

Scenes from The Weekend...

A weekend that starts off with a trip to the museum is a pretty good one in my book.

Audrey went to an art camp at the DMA last week (that she loved and that I was thoroughly jealous of, I'm not ashamed to admit...) so late Friday afternoon we went to see her "student exhibit" and a little performance by her class.

It was pretty great stuff I have to say, but the best part was what happened afterward... Audrey spent an hour eagerly leading us through the museum, with all the confidence of a child just having spent a full week exploring every corner of the space, showing us all her favorite works (complete with color commentary and little art history lessons). We visit the museum quite a bit, but this experience was a game changer for her. All the sudden the museum felt like "her place," she was an insider, "in the know"...

Which is exactly what I was hoping for.

The rest of the weekend was equally great -- we had some new friends (who we are pretty smitten with) over on Saturday for a big Thai spread, did a couple of little house projects (because there's nothing like having new friends over to jump-start a few dormant house projects), got in some swimming and a visit to Bryan's folks on Sunday and capped things off with dinner at lovely cousin Erin and boyfriend Ben's (involving some excellent "Mexican lasagna" that's definitely going into the repertoire).

All-in-all recharged (somewhat) and ready for a new week. Hope your weekend was fantastic.

Millie doing a little dance before our dinner guests arrive. Millie's all about the little happy dance of late...

one of the little projects -- I finally hung the "gallery wall" over the dresser in the guest room (that we've been meaning to do forever...)