It's safe to say I'm pretty smitten with Alice...
I spend a lot of time living vicariously through her food adventures on her must-read blog, Alice Q. Foodie. And on many occasions, midway through reading one of her genius posts about say, how to conquer pie crust or cook perfect bacon (I've tried her method, and it makes some pretty rockin bacon), I've thought it would be awfully fun to have an actual meal with Alice. Because there's really nothing better than eating with someone that loves food as much as you do...
But my fondness for Alice goes beyond meal sharing fantasies, I'm also a little bit in awe of the fantastic Food 4 Kids Backpack Program Fundraiser that she started last year with a friend.
So of course I'm thrilled to have Alice here this week sharing her favorites with us, as they are as lovely (Big Sur!, her nieces!, her garden!) as she is...
Without further ado, herewith Alice's list. Enjoy and have a splendid weekend!
The Zuni Cafe Cookbook - It's no secret that I love to eat and I love to cook, and for me, the Zuni Cafe Cookbook combines these two things in the best possible way. The recipes are specific and refined but not too technical, and the food is simple but flavorful and - almost without fail - makes the most of the ingredients. I have a huge cookbook collection but this is the one I reach for the most when I need inspiration. (I love the restaurant too, not surprisingly!) (photo from Seasonal Chef )
Tiny Cars - I have a fetish for tiny cars - stemming from the day I first spotted one of these BMW Isettas parked on the street in Paris. There was a pair of classic black and white Chanel pumps lying akimbo on the floor, and I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. I wanted to be the owner of that car when I grew up, and I still do!
Japanese Hot Baths - one of my very favorite things to do is soak in hot water. It's so relaxing and invigorating at the same time. The best places I've found are Esalen in Big Sur, and the 10,000 Waves spa outside of Albequerque New Mexico. (At Esalen, a little old Japanese man and I were the only people sitting in the trough where the water comes directly out of the spring into the cliffside baths.) At home, I make do with my vintage blue bathtub while I dream about one day installing a Japanese style garden and soaking tub in our yard. (photo via Dufarelli)
Croissants - hands down, my biggest weakness is a good croissant. I'm pretty much a sucker for all breakfast pastries, now that I think about it - but the right combination of fluff, crunch and stretch in a plain croissant is just the best.
Handmade Clothes - I have always loved clothes (a vexing combination with food - let me tell you!) and I always fantasized about being a fashion designer when I was younger. I usually know exactly what I want and need, and I always think it would be so much more fun to make it rather than have to buy it. That being said, I'm no seamstress and have no time for yet another hobby at this point, so I am making do with admiring the handmade fashions on Etsy, especially Emily Ryan - a Portland designer who makes artful jersey dresses, and Nadinoo, who makes ladylike blouses and dresses with Liberty fabrics. (photos from Nadinoo and Emily Ryan.)
Copper Cookware - I have a strange magnetic attraction to high maintenance, impractical things, but since I've learned the hard way that I'm generally too lazy to properly care for them, I haven't let myself buy a set of this cookware yet. I suspect if I ever did get my hands on one, I would look at it far more than I would cook with it. That just might be good enough if I had a peg wall - a la Julia Child - to display it on.
(photo via Smithsonian Magazine)
(photo via Smithsonian Magazine)
Big Sur - A few years ago, my husband James and I downscaled plans to travel to Spain, and drove up the coast to Big Sur instead. Though I still want to go to Spain, I can't say I'm sorry we made the change. It's one of the most beautiful places on earth and has a fantastic feel and energy to it. There's little to buy and not much to do - except relax among the redwoods, hike, eat, and take in the breathtaking views. We stayed at Deetjen's for 2 nights, a nice compromise between the luxury of the resorts and the campgrounds/cabins. We were also lucky enough to reserve a one night "retreat" stay at Esalen - the new agey campus there with natural hot springs that have been turned into the most amazing cliffside baths - see above.
The Delano - So often, places that are supposed to be super cool don't quite live up to the hype. This hotel in Miami Beach is the rare exception. I've never see anything quite like the lobby - which flows from a veranda through a long high-ceilinged lobby with huge pillars - out to a concrete patio and wide set of stairs leading to a giant lawn, then to the pool and beach. It's a non-stop promenade with amazing people-watching and great whimsical, grandiose style. I would love to recreate those Alice in Wonderland light fixtures and furniture on the lawn in my own back yard. (photo via The Delano Hotel)
Having a Garden - We started a garden at our house last fall, and I knew I would like it, but I wasn't prepared for how much I absolutely love harvesting ingredients & preparing them fresh. We've had particularly good luck with lettuces, tomatoes, eggplants, sage, artichokes, strawberries, chard, carrots and fennel, and not so good luck with some other things - but that's just the way it goes I guess. I've learned a lot, and it's motivated me to try some new recipes for jam and pickles to use up the bounty!
Hog Island Oyster Co. at the Ferry Building in San Francisco - When we go to San Francisco to eat and visit friends (which I probably shouldn't say in that order!) our first order of business is almost always a stop at Hog Island Oyster Co. at the Ferry Building. We love to split a dozen oysters and their amazing grilled cheese sandwich with house made pickles, and wash it down with a bottle of champagne. It's supremely casual yet incredibly decadent, and I just love everything about it - from the rough wood tables and views of the Bay to the Heath ceramic dishes and impeccable service.
Ice Cream - I love everything about ice cream - making it, eating it, serving it, choosing flavors - it's just so much fun. Last summer I made this Doughnut ice cream for my nieces and my friends' kids, and it was a huge hit. (I know this because one of my nieces was still talking about it last weekend!) I also make a mean vanilla, strawberry, mint chip, and salted caramel - and a killer chocolate gelato made with cornstarch and milk instead of cream. True story.
My nieces - we don't have kids ourselves - and while I absolutely love my life with my husband, I really love it when my two gorgeous, funny and incredibly bright nieces come to stay with us. Emma is 7 and a complete girly girl, while Caelan is 10 and more independent. Their personalities are so very different, and yet they're absolute best friends. I love watching (and listening to) them play, run, skip, jump and enjoy life with abandon. We get to spoil them since they're just visiting (and they're already fantastically well behaved) which makes it that much more fun!