Monday, July 12, 2010

Scenes from The Weekend (+ A Winner...)

The weekend started and finished with birthday celebrations (a little dinner for my dearest friend Achlee's 35th on Friday and a swim party for our little friend Elizabeth's 3rd on Sunday), and in between, there was an awful lot of, well, hanging around the house...

And it was nice.

We read and cooked and tidied and crafted a bit. I scored two new lamps for the dining room that I've had my eye on for a while. We purged the dress-up bin of all the ratty old non-wearable pieces (as opposed to the ratty old, "mommy if you throw that away I'll never speak to you again" pieces), we tore through the junk drawers and started weeding through the girlies summer clothes.

There's something about July and August that gets me in this mode. It's like I'm prepping for the bustle of Fall (which somehow, oddly, seems just around the corner...) I have to say, it felt good to get so much done. I feel ready for the week. As ready as you can be for a Monday that is...

{And now for a winner. Congrats Mel...You won the sweet doll from Hijkids!}