"Within the last month, White-winged Crossbills have started to irrupt into the Northeast and Upper Midwest in large numbers. During the four days between the 22nd and 25th of November there were over 75 observations of White-winged Crossbills submitted to eBird. Among these were reports from as far south as Colorado, Illinois, New Jersey and Maryland. While most observations have been of small groups, there have been many sightings of flocks numbering 40-75 birds. The most amazing sighting comes from Dave Tetlow who observed some 1785 White-winged Crossbills while he conducted a stationary count for two and a half hours at Hamlin Beach State Park in Upstate New York. During this time most birds were seen heading east into the 10 mph ESE wind. You may be thinking, 'well, that's just lovely, but how can I find them? Where can I look?'"
Link: Continue reading at eBird.org
White-winged Crossbill © 2008 Mike McDowell