Turkey Craft from
Since Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks, I wanted to share a few things that I'm thankful for; in the design world and otherwise. Here goes!

My friends, family, and loves (only one) who are all super supportive of me.

My health. I'm strong as an ox, people!

My blog and all the support I've gotten from people and people in the "blog world." Who knew a silly girl like me would get mentioned in the
Washington Post!
Photo available in my
Etsy Store!

The amazing food I'll be eating tomorrow. What is your favorite part of the meal? Mine is the
stuffing...oh god

The entire design world, including amazing designers like
Katie Ridder and her classic yet fun designs.

Crown mouldings,
wainscoting and the color pink. Is this list getting too frivolous? This was designed by
Madeline Stuart. Perfection.

Oh yeah.
PIE!! This
delish recipe is from Martha!
Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving all! Eat lots of turkey (if you eat meat), stuffing, cranberries, and mashed potatoes. Btw, TWENTY NINE DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS!
Alicia B.