Friday, August 29, 2008

Blogger's Favorites -- A Cup of Jo

images from top left -- ballet slippers via santoki vintage, bike via fine little day, cookies via the New York Times

It is altogether possible that Joanna Goddard is the coolest blogger ever. And it’s pure fact that she’s one of the nicest. (There’s really nothing better than a super nice “cool girl", doncha think?) Her brilliant blog A Cup of Jo is a trove of witty, interesting, lovely, delightful finds – a daily read for sure. A super talented writer, you've probably come across her articles in some of your fave mags like Cookie and the such, and oh yea, she’s also the editor of Glamour magazine’s new relationship blog, Smitten.

Whew…. And she had time to do a Blogger’s Favorites List for us. (See I told you she was nice!)

Herewith, Joanna’s favorites. Have a splendid weekend!
  1. Ballet Flats -- They're chic and comfortable. This summer, my friend wore actual jazz shoes with her vintage yellow dress, and I thought it would be great to wear real ballet slippers. I haven't bought any yet, but I'm on the lookout...
  2. My Bike -- I'm scared of subways so I ride my trusty bike everywhere in New York. Now I've become part of a bike community, made up of girls on vintage Schwinns, super fast messengers and delivery guys with wobbly stacks of pizzas.
  3. The American Apparel Summer Tee -- It's soft, cheap and comes in lots of colors. But the secret is that it has a slightly lower (and therefore very flattering) neckline. I wear one almost every day.
  4. Flickr -- I could surf through Flickr forever. There are so many amazing finds, like vintage photos, awesome illustrations and kissing shots.
  5. Linen Sheets -- My boyfriend and I both have trouble sleeping, but linen sheets are so soft and light (never sticky or hot) that we always wake up feeling refreshed.
  6. Cornwall, England -- My grandmother lives in a tiny fishing village full of seagulls, old castles and quirky old characters. During the day, we swim in the ocean, watch the sailboats race and eat warm Cornish pasties. We were lucky enough to spend many childhood summers there, and the town still makes me feel giddy and full of possibilities.
  7. Cookies -- I once heard that everyone has a trigger food -- pizza, potato chips -- and once you start eating it, you can't stop. Mine is definitely cookies. My mom always bakes a batch when I visit, and I dream about serving cookies instead of cake at my future wedding. I'd love to try this New York Times recipe.
  8. Abigail Vintage -- I adore the vintage brass figurines Abbey sells in her etsy shop. This tiny duck, which I put on my desk, makes me smile every day.