From the Digiscoping Desk...
Jean Iron is a digiscoper from Ontario, Canada who has accumulated an impressive gallery of digiscoped images (especially shorebirds) using her Swarovski ST80 HD spotting scope and Nikon Coolpix 4500. It was an Eagle Optics customer who gave me the tip to check out her website. While her bird pictures are fantastic, I especially like the James Bay habitat shots she has included to give one a sense for the large expanses nesting shorebirds require.
Jean also provides detailed instructions on her digiscoping ring that she constructed from the lid of a spice jar in lieu of a conventional adapter. Jean's method is similar to Ann Cook's as the camera is hand-held up to the eyepiece and the ring is used as a centering guide. About half of the images in my digiscoping gallery were captured by hand-holding the camera up to the eyepiece without any type of adapter.
Digiscoping image © 2005 Michael Allen McDowell