Acting on a tip for AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER and STILT SANDPIPERS from Jesse, I headed out to the V-Pond after work yesterday evening. Within minutes I had a BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER walk through my scope's field of view while I was looking at a small group of mixed shorebirds. Distance and lighting factors prevented me from obtaining a good picture of it, but I did manage to record a grainy video of the bird for documentation purposes.
As the winds picked up and ominous looking clouds rolled in, the shorebirds became a little restless and began calling. A few seconds later nearly all the shorebirds took wing, flew a lap around the pond and then headed south to avoid the impending storm. The 40 or so Sandhill Cranes would stick it out.
Given the degree of effort it took to obtain this digiscoped image of a Buff-breasted Sandpiper, I probably won't be able to put in the time to improve upon it. Back in September of 2003 it took me a week, over 300 exposures and incredible luck with lighting involving a foggy morning to finally get the right shot. Plus, I have no idea yet if this was a one-day wonder bird or if it will still be there today. I'm just thankful I got to see one this year!
Link: All about the Buff-breasted Sandpiper from Cornell Labs
Buff-breasted Sandpiper image © 2005 Michael Allen McDowell