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Robins, not crows, may spread West Nile
HARTFORD, Connecticut (AP) -- The beloved American robin, not the annoying, raucous crow, may be the more potent source for West Nile virus, according to new research.
Link: Full Story from CNN
Courting bird sings like a cricket
A bird that lives in the Ecuadorian rain forest attracts mates by striking its wing feathers together behind its back, researchers say.
Link: Full Story from Nature
Praying Mantis Makes Meal of a Hummer
Check out these photographs of a Praying Mantis capturing and eating a hummingbird!
Link: Full Story from Birdwatchers Digest
'Penguins' march defies summer box office trend
At summer film box offices plagued by slow ticket sales, the hottest documentary this year is about a very cold topic: Emperor Penguins in Antarctica.
Link: Full Story from Yahoo News