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Much needed rain is moving through Wisconsin today, but I did get a chance to get some birding in this morning at Nine Springs. There were 8 shorebird species, low in numbers though. New "south-bound" bird was SEMIPALMATED PLOVER. Sadly, there was a dead GREAT BLUE HERON at the back pond...I immediately suspect West Nile Virus, but who knows. For an hour's walk I finished the morning with 49 species around the settling ponds. When I got home from work last evening, I finally digiscoped the ROSE-BREASTED GROSBEAK [female] that has been raiding my safflower feeder all summer. Check out the beak on that bird!
Link: All about the Rose-breasted Grosbeak from Cornell Labs
Rose-breasted Grosbeak image © 2005 Michael Allen McDowell