I thought it would be a good exercise to do a monthly update on the resolutions (here and here to keep myself in check and ensure I’m actually paying some attention to these things I set-out to do at the beginning of the year.
I’ll spare you guys the long-winded intro (for once) and just charge in with my “assessment” of how I’m faring on each goal. Here goes:
#1 Be Lazy – I have to say, this “laziness” initiative may have been my most genius resolution of. all. time. Kidding aside, I’m really proud of how we’ve embraced this goal of doing less. Almost half-way through February (as a side note, can you believe we’re almost half-way through February!?), and I’m still pretty diligent about keeping our calendar sparse. I’ve become far more comfortable with saying, “no” (admittedly not one of my strengths), and all four of us are happier and more relaxed for it. We’ve been more creative, more spontaneous; we cook more, read more, play more… It’s been a bit of a game changer. That said, I do see how easily we (and by “we”, I mean “me”) could fall off the wagon on this one, so I’m being extra-vigilant about it. We’ll see how it goes.
I’ll spare you guys the long-winded intro (for once) and just charge in with my “assessment” of how I’m faring on each goal. Here goes:
#1 Be Lazy – I have to say, this “laziness” initiative may have been my most genius resolution of. all. time. Kidding aside, I’m really proud of how we’ve embraced this goal of doing less. Almost half-way through February (as a side note, can you believe we’re almost half-way through February!?), and I’m still pretty diligent about keeping our calendar sparse. I’ve become far more comfortable with saying, “no” (admittedly not one of my strengths), and all four of us are happier and more relaxed for it. We’ve been more creative, more spontaneous; we cook more, read more, play more… It’s been a bit of a game changer. That said, I do see how easily we (and by “we”, I mean “me”) could fall off the wagon on this one, so I’m being extra-vigilant about it. We’ll see how it goes.
#2 Embrace Effortlessness – I’m not sure I’ve actually done anything specific toward this one…not actively anyway, but I do have this photo from the J. Crew catalog pinned on the inspiration board above my desk because it’s just well... “effortless incarnate”. This is what I’m going for friends. This is it (but with bangs, a smoky eye and a necklace thrown into the mix). In lieu of flowers (and I love flowers), I did ask Bryan for that sweater she’s sporting for Valentine’s Day... so one step forward, yes?
#3 Purchase (Extremely Mindfully) – For the past three years, I've done some period of a spending (or shopping) hiatus as a way to help sort of re-set my consumption habits. Taking a break from acquiring stuff helped me better appreciate what I already owned and re-think why I wanted to buy certain things in the first place. It was a good exercise all around...financially, aesthetically, mentally. But I don't think it was enough. I mentioned when I shared my resolutions that I've made progress on this one, but that I wanted to "master" it (at least as much as I'm capable of "mastering" something). So I thought I needed to switch things up a bit and think bigger than just the hiatus.
Enter "Operation Simplicity."
I've decided to start sharing everything I acquire for the next 12 months. "Acquire" is the key here, as I'm not planning to bore you (that is, those of you that want to come along on this scintillating journey) with all my expendable purchases. I'm not going to post the lattes or the lip gloss or the birthday presents for the girlie's classmates. Those aren't things "staying" in the house. I'm just going to record the stuff...the things that we'll end the year with, the things that I am certain I will have for at least five years.
And since one of my goals is to end the year with less stuff than I started it with, I'll also occasionally offer-up up a few things I'm ready to pass-on for sale... plus there will be some giveaways (It'll be my way of thanking you for keeping me on track).
Enter "Operation Simplicity."
I've decided to start sharing everything I acquire for the next 12 months. "Acquire" is the key here, as I'm not planning to bore you (that is, those of you that want to come along on this scintillating journey) with all my expendable purchases. I'm not going to post the lattes or the lip gloss or the birthday presents for the girlie's classmates. Those aren't things "staying" in the house. I'm just going to record the stuff...the things that we'll end the year with, the things that I am certain I will have for at least five years.
And since one of my goals is to end the year with less stuff than I started it with, I'll also occasionally offer-up up a few things I'm ready to pass-on for sale... plus there will be some giveaways (It'll be my way of thanking you for keeping me on track).
I'm not going to lie, this whole exercise scares me a bit (more on that below), but I really believe when you put a goal out there, when you invite others to be a part of it, thus feeling some accountability to those people, it will change you. (I shared that same thought earlier this week in relation to my time writing Raising Foodies, but I think it applies here too...)
#4 Get Smart – Though I’ve yet to actually sign up for any sort of “learning opportunity”, I am starting to streamline the things I’m doing so that I can be more focused. To that end, I (somewhat reluctantly) “retired” (for now…note the reluctance) my little food blog. Trying to regularly post there and regularly post here was too much with the other commitments I have (you know that whole family, household, day-job thing). I think it was a good start. I am also actively researching a photography class. Now I just need to enroll.
#4 Get Smart – Though I’ve yet to actually sign up for any sort of “learning opportunity”, I am starting to streamline the things I’m doing so that I can be more focused. To that end, I (somewhat reluctantly) “retired” (for now…note the reluctance) my little food blog. Trying to regularly post there and regularly post here was too much with the other commitments I have (you know that whole family, household, day-job thing). I think it was a good start. I am also actively researching a photography class. Now I just need to enroll.
#5 Practice Gratitude – I'm not nearly doing good enough on this one. This is my official kick in the pants…no idea why it’s so hard to stop each day to be thankful. It’s shameful. I’m pausing right now as I write this to be grateful…hang on. Ok done. That felt good.
#6 Court Fear – I am proud to say that I’m actively perusing three different projects that are scaring me (actually one kind of {and sorry for the vulgarity} scares the shit out of me). The first is the aforementioned “Operation Simplicity”…it scares me to commit to sharing everything I acquire this year. It’s daunting; I’m not going to lie. But I’m going with it. I might share some info on the other two in future “Resolution Updates”, we’ll see ;-)
#6 Court Fear – I am proud to say that I’m actively perusing three different projects that are scaring me (actually one kind of {and sorry for the vulgarity} scares the shit out of me). The first is the aforementioned “Operation Simplicity”…it scares me to commit to sharing everything I acquire this year. It’s daunting; I’m not going to lie. But I’m going with it. I might share some info on the other two in future “Resolution Updates”, we’ll see ;-)