As I’ve embarked on my little living room "revamp" project and Operation Simplicity, I’ve been thinking a lot about this idea of decorating for the long haul…this notion of design longevity.
When I flip through the pages (which I do almost every single day) of Handcrafted Modern, I’m struck by the utter timelessness of images. Most of the spaces that Leslie Williamson documents haven’t been “touched” in years, many, in fact, are exact replicas of how the owners/designers inhabited the space in the 60s, and yet, I’d happily move into any one of them today without changing a thing.
I had this same sense when Nelya sent me the images above of the home of California architect Ray Kappe… He and his wife have lived in this home (that he designed) for over 40 years, and it is still completely and totally relevant…beyond relevant even.
So while I’m busy switching up pillows, I’m careful not to let myself be seduced by what’s merely "of the moment" or (just as important) turned-off by something just because it feels a bit "overplayed" in the design blog-world (Jenny wrote a great post about that topic). I’m trying to follow my gut and my heart, to create a space that is a true (and somewhat timeless) reflection of our family.
Oh and I want cool pillows too. Just sayin.