Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Scenes from Germany...

Wanted to share a few mid-week snaps of my trip, all taken while walking briskly (it's awfully chilly here -- like winter in Texas) to dinner.

As expected, the days pretty much consist of meetings, meals and back to the hotel…no fantastic adventures. But the trip has provided a nice reinforcement (re-energizing) of my desire to consume more mindfully + to live more thoughtfully and simply.

the drink tray at work -- I had to take a quick pic with my blackberry so you'd have a visual...

Every time I visit Europe, I’m reminded how basic, daily things can be well-made and simple and really lovely -- at the office there's sparkling water in pretty blue glass bottles (not plastic) and sturdy little white coffee cups and saucers (not styrofoam). Meals aren’t rushed, portions are small but satisfying. There’s a sort of thoughtful economy to living.

It’s all very civilized and lovely…

And in the spirit of keeping you updated on the detox, I also have to report (confess) that after two days of complete virtuousness (i.e. while my co-workers enjoy fine German beers, I throw back glass after glass of that sparkling water in the pretty bottles), I broke.

I had dessert -- strawberries with mascarpone (below)... It was pretty fantastic, I have to say.